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Flexible management of booking rules: updated booking threshold policy

Updates Flexible management of booking rules: updated booking threshold policy

We made booking management more flexible and convenient.

Setting booking threshold and limits: Now you can set booking threshold limits not only in working days, but also in the number of advance bookings. This gives all employees an equal opportunity to use popular or in-demand places and increases everyone's chances of booking them. In this way, we avoid a situation where the same employees grab all the best seats.

Weekend booking: Another change is the ability to book workplaces on weekends with no booking threshold restrictions. When you switch to weekends, places on the office map will be available for booking even if a policy that limits the booking threshold applies. This increases the efficiency of office utilisation as there is no competition for workspaces at weekends.

These updates make the process of using the system more enjoyable and efficient for all users.

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